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Israel Women's Network's Hotline and Workshops - Fair Employment of Arab Women

The labor participation of Arab women is lower compared to both Jewish women and Arab men. Within the Arab population of Israel (21% of the general population), women encounter more difficulty joining the workforce, due to cultural biases that do not approve of traveling far from home and do not encourage higher education for women.

Rather, Arab women are often employed in menial tasks, receive significantly lower wages than Jewish women in the same position, and encounter unfair employment conditions. They are usually reluctant to confront their employers or to seek legal aid. 

This sector was especially hurt during the year and a half-long pandemic. The Israel Woman Network was working to increase awareness of Arab women about their rights in the workforce, offering them access to legal aid services through a telephone hotline and online meetingsIWN offered workshops to different audiences promoting fair employment conditions for working Arab women, in order to enable them to thrive in the Israeli workforce.